
In Which I Cry Not Wolf, but School

So I've been a terribly lame blogger lately. I know. Let me explain a bit. 

I'm in my second year of university and that's tough enough as it is. But I'm also playing catch-up because at the end of last year, I decided to change majors to open up for myself the career opportunity I only recently discovered I want to pursue. In addition, I do an extra-curricular or two and am now a part of a Student Association on campus. Needless to say, it's busy around here. I've been able to do what I consider a decent job at keeping this blog going for most of the school year, but then November came. 

November and March are undoubtedly the busiest and most school-heavy months of the year for me because they are the months before final exams. They are the months in which all the professors plan to test us one last time before finals and collect our papers on everything they hope we've learned so far. My calendar for November has something for school written in almost every single day's square. This is why I haven't been blogging or reading as much. And because I was working so much this past summer, I didn't have a plethora of pre-written reviews to fall back on. 

So my apologies for being pretty absent this month. I have some really fun stuff planned for December with lots of authors involved. As that plays out and finals wrap up, I'm going to work really hard to pre-schedule lots of content for the blog so that in March I don't disappear again. 

Just know that I'm still here, I've just been swamped. But hopefully you'll enjoy all the awesome people I have coming on the blog next month. I think it's going to be a lot of fun. Thanks for sticking around!

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